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In this class, students will learn about how we get our information in the 21st Century.  Students will create spot announcements, commercials, news, blogs, graphics, social media spots, podcasts, and films. 

21st Century Media Technology (8th)

21st Century Media Agreements

  • Be Proactive...

    • Pick a topic from the list of things around our school that need media coverage or ask for permission for a different topic by filling out a Video Approval form BEFORE scripting, storyboarding or filming.

    • Sign out, get a pass, and check with Mrs. Bean before leaving the room. 

  • Begin With the End in Mind...

    • We will script and storyboard before filming. 

    • Since we know what we are doing BEFORE we do it, we will quickly get done what needs to be done, and get back to class immediately when finished.  No wandering halls or hanging out in classrooms. 

  • Put First Things First ...

    • Before “Making things cooler” or looking for photos or interviewing, we will get the basics finished.  That way, if there is time left over, we can ‘play’ with different ideas while still meeting our deadline. 

    • Phones can only be used if you ask for permission (being on your phone is different from using it as a tool for learning)

    • If you finish early, you can make silly videos or practice with different media techniques to give yourself more tools and practice.  

  • Think Win-Win...

    • When making decisions, we will vote with a fist to five, anything under three will get to voice their opinions.  When the will of the group is evident, we agree to go with the flow and help make things work, even if our idea isn’t chosen. 

    • Compromise!

  • Seek First to Understand...

    • We agree to listen more than we talk.  When interviewing, we agree to listen and report all sides of issues equally without bias as best as possible.  

    • We agree to listen to our group members and try to understand by repeating what we think they are saying before trying to get our points across. 

  • Synergize...

    • We will work together as a team and hold each other to these norms. 

    • If things break or people start to get frustrated, we agree to be honest and tell Mrs. Bean immediately. 

    • We agree to treat people and equipment with the utmost respect. 

  • Sharpen the Saw...

    • Take time out to learn something new or take a break.  Deadlines can be stressful, but stress hinders production.  Sometimes it’s better to take a five-minute break and then work really hard. You may take a break without getting other people off task.  This could include but is not limited to: coloring, writing, searching for ideas, getting a drink, sitting quietly, reading...other (see Mrs. Bean to approve).

Agreements for being outside the classroom...

  • Respect each other and anyone else using the space!

  • Stay focused on the task at hand!

  • Use appropriate volume for acting, filming and talking!

  • Respect the “stuff” (a.k.a. property, i.e. chairs, desks, instruments, etc.) – treat everything kindly and gently!

  • Leave the space AT LEAST as neat and orderly as it was when you arrived, if not more so (in other words, put it back the way you found it or better)!

  • To use a student in another class for filming you must, email their teacher and get written permission in advance.  At LEAST the class before you need to film.

Agreements for Safe and Proper Use of Media Equipment...

  • We agree to charge batteries when we use them, put equipment back when finished and finish before deadlines. 

  • We agree to check-in equipment

  • Use original or COPYRIGHT FREE photos and video.  

  • Make sure to keep COPPA and school policies in mind (Only use FIRST names of students).

  • Make sure all that you create is kind.

  • We will keep all equipment with us at all times (not leave it in the hallway).

  • We will be back in the classroom with all the equipment put away ten minutes before class ends.

  • Check that all equipment is put away where it belongs.


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